And so another day is half gone.
Today started with me waking up and going to have a chat with Barry about my Dissertation. He's okayed my proposed bibliography, and is keen on the first draft of the proposal. I have to also produce an essay, to prove my ability to write on the the subject, for the examination board. I've chosen to do a pretty brief deconstruction of Metal Gear Solid, so I've been working my way through Twin Snakes on my gamecube, as well as rooting through my games collection for the PS1 original (which I believe I may have lost). I'm about to go off to the uni library to do some more specific research to bring into the essay.
After discussing the work with Barry I came back to the studio and worked on the Sheffield SIFE brochure, as the client wanted a couple of cosmetic changes made.. that's fine now though, and completed. I still need to make some assets for a presentation, but it should be fine... here's one, just to cheer up the blog a bit

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