the online ramblings of a generally confused game designer

Monday, July 31, 2006

the word is in

Hey all... sorry for dissapearing, life kinda got in the way, as it has a way of doing. Spending time with my friends, family and girlfriend is a great way to while away the hot summer days, but doesn't help with the making of games. That said I've been passing my PSP round some friends and getting some great feedback.

Well, my girlfriend has gone back home and my friends are fast running out of money, so nows a great time to get back to my PC and dive back into code. The feedback I've had is gonna help to get a layer of polish before I get my old partner in crime Jules to let loose his incredible nitpicking powers upon it in September.

I'm also preparing for a big website job, as well as researching for my upcomming PC game project and a dissertation, and lets not forget a game pitch I'm taking to a company with a cartoonist friend. Busy days.

No media I'm afraid... but I'm working on it

Friday, July 14, 2006

menu video

Today is media day... here are two pictures of the as of yet unseen Laura and Team B levels (formerly known as David)...

That brings the grand total to four, which is the number of minigames that will be present in the first release. Oh, and by the way... here's a translation of that Russian news article from yesterday...

"PSP: the choice of independent game makers.

English designer Mike Bithell (url) has announced the start of development of the first lawful free game for PSP. Visiting Day is being created using Flash and will be launchable from the PSP web browser. Let us remind you that PSP supports Flash starting with version 2.70. If the creators manage to overcome the technical limitation of the console, the game can open the eyes of other developers to the possibilities of creating home-brew projects for the PSP."


Plus, for your viewing pleasure, a video showing the menu, the chapter select screen, and the laura level.. check it out and as ever, opinions welcome.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

there is a bug in my monitor

no. Not a code bug, an actual bug. Somehow it got in between the glass and lcd, and is now crawling around. I think I may train it to follow my cursor.

Anyway, on to more interesting and dare I say, important things. The game is going very well. The music is progressing, the art is pretty much done and the code is comming together. There are now 4 games (simon's escape, hugh's soup of the day, the b team's header, and laura's test flight). They can now be played in multiplayer mode by up to 4 players, or via a game select screen similar to a dvd chapter select screen. I just need to make a story mode, which my little sister is narrating, and I will be quite happy to call that the initial release version. Im currently having a holiday with my girlfriend, but am gonna go out on a limb and say... version 1 goes to testers in a month. i know, im shocked too.

As for the music side of things, its coming along nicely, with my friendly neighbourhood composer sorting it out for me now behind the scenes. She's doin a great job, and the music will be implemented into the game for the first release.

Oh, and I'd like to start a new game.. it's called 'visiting day spotter'. I'm gonna actively start pushing the game at industry peeps, websites and magazines, so if you see it anywhere be sure to let me know.. to start things off here is a scan i was sent of a russian gaming mag, i made a news story in the last issue! :)

screenshots of the game at the moment to follow... along with video of me and my friends 'testing' the multiplayer portion. thanks for reading