the online ramblings of a generally confused game designer

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

still alive!

Hi all, just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive... having a bit of a mad time of it (Thanks to E3 and Liepzig) but it's all going very well.

Not much to comment on, just wanted to say hi.


Blogger gnome said...


12:13 am

Blogger mike said...

hey gnome.. how are things in your lair?

2:13 pm

Blogger gnome said...

Ahhh.. quite quiet really... :)

3:28 pm

Blogger The Sports Satirist said...

I have always wanted to attend E3 and Liepzig. What is it like?

2:31 pm

Blogger mike said...

sadly I wouldn't know, Funnyman. I was involved in creating presentations and documentation to support those out there. Busy and interesting work, but nowhere near as glamorous :)

9:03 am

Blogger The Sports Satirist said...

You are never allowed to attend those events even though you help with the presentations?

2:22 pm

Blogger mike said...

the average festival has so many meetings and presentations that an army of guys is required to put stuff together behind the scenes. No company ships it's entire team to any festival, my time will come at some point I'm sure. My job is cool enough that I have absolutely no reason to complain

5:34 pm


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