the online ramblings of a generally confused game designer

Friday, June 22, 2007

I survived the interview

wow, well, first interview survived!

The studio I was interviewing for (that's right, still un-named) is about 3 - 4 hours away by train, so after a very long journey there, i accidentally arrived about an hour and a half early. Me being me, I immediately found a nearby game shop and browsed, got a coffee, got some lunch and then went to their office.

After struggling with their door (it never fails to amaze me how someone who loves videogames so much can have serious trouble 'pushing the door when you hear the beep'). Embarassing. I then signed a comprehensive non disclosure contract... so no, I can't tell you all the cool things they're working on.. very cool though.

The interview itself was great. We went through my CV and portfollio and had a chat about Reunion, which they liked. The projects and concepts we discussed that are going on there are really impressive, and I'd love to get involved. After that I was invited to come back next week for a two day interview.. basically I have a trial run, working for them for a couple of days and see what they think of the work i produce.

Very excited, plus I'm going to the finest films awards in Newport tonight, it's the awards ceremony they lay on for film and animation students.. sadly the games design students aren't part of it, but I'm going along anyway to support my friends and, obviously, my girlfriend


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