Wow.. the crit went a lot better for me than I expected, given the response it got on the forum (
The feedback was fair and honest, and I think the group got across everything we intended to. The game worked well, no crashes or bugs.. which I'm very proud of. Me and Jules finished it off in the best way possible, with me buyin him drinks in the uni bar and talking about existentialism (sp?) for an hour or so. I've now gone home to watch I Heart Huckabees, inspired by the chat to find it on my DVD shelf.
So that's another project wrapped (well, until the group decides to delve back into the statistic system). I've set myself the challenge of making some test footage of the main character for that TV show i'm working on by the end of the week, which coinsides nicely with helping my girlfriend with her Maya training. She got a character rig at an Aardman thing a week or so ago, so she wants to try it out.
my individual project continues to gestate, and conversations with Jules continue to help with that. I wanna put in a picture, I'm not sure if I have anything to show though... oooh.. some more concept art from the TV thing I don't think i've posted before

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